As part of League City’s affiliation with the Keep America Beautiful and Keep Texas Beautiful program, we are participating in the Great American Cleanup—a nationwide event that annually brings out nearly 3.4 million people in 20,000 different communities across the U.S. The Great League City Cleanup will take place on April 23. Neighborhoods, subdivisions, HOAs, and businesses across League City are encouraged to gather and pick up trash and waste along streets, ditches, sidewalks, and waterways in their community. During the cleanup efforts, participants are encouraged to take photos and share them on social media using the hashtag @GreatLCCleanup or email them to
In addition, League City—in partnership with the Keep League City Beautiful citizen committee and Bay Area Church—are hosting a communitywide event on Saturday, April 23 from 8 a.m. to noon to cleanup the area around Rustic Oaks Park and Magnolia Creek, which includes sections of the Feathered Friends Hike and Bike Trail.
Those wishing to participate can park at Bay Area Church, located at 4800 Main Street, and will be shuttled to one of two drop-off points. Shuttle buses will run continuously to drop off and pick up participants. All cleanup supplies will be provided, but participants are encouraged to wear sunscreen, mosquito repellent, and long pants with wader/or rain boots because of the proximity to the creek. Breakfast will be provided and there will be plenty of water stations throughout the cleanup area.
Scout troops, youth groups, civic clubs, and businesses are encouraged to take part. If you or your group are interested in participating, please signup HERE so we can get an accurate count for supplies, breakfast, and water.
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