Our 2022 moto is “Bloom where you're Planted." Midtown Houston’s Art in the Park is a celebration of our diverse art community which continues to thrive.
Our outdoor fine art festival will be eclectic, cozy, and planted at Bagby Park on the first Saturday in April. This event showcases a selection of local artists, musicians, ArtJams, and fun!
Public Art Installation - Leading up the event, on Tuesday, March 29th from 10 AM to 4 PM we are installing an inspiring public art display on the famed Midtown sign!
Register today to join us for the Artist Talk with April Murphy, Tuesday, March, 29 starting at 12:45PM by clicking here.
Saturday, April 2nd - the day of the event:
Be in the Midtown Marching Band! - Join us at 9:45 AM to celebrate the opening of Art in the Park by marching in with The Free Rads Street Band! Register by clicking here.
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